Mesin Las Tali Lanyard

benar 4

Mesin Las Tali Lanyard

Spesifikasi :

  • Input power : 190-240v Ac 50/60hz
  • Input pressure : > 0 – 7 bar
  • Dimension : 650 * 400 * 1320 mm
  • Machine journey : 75 – 520 mm
  • Hom journey : 0 – 75 mm
  • Welding are : 2000w : 170mm, 2600w : 220mm, 3200w : 300mm
  • Power supply regulator : Built in
  • Color : Blue
  • Display screen : A 4.3-inch full colortouch screen
  • Micro generator : The 32-bit / 72MHz
  • Micro processor : The16-bit / 72MHz
  • Power measurenment : Real – time (instant)
  • Frequency range : 15kHz / 20kHz
  • Automatic frequency adsjument : Real – time (instant)
  • Raled output power : 20kHz: 2000w/2600w 15kHz: 2600w / 3200w
  • Maximum output : 20% Greater than the rated output frequency
  • Internal amplitude (power) : Adjusment , 10%-100% (digital setting)
  • Time mode : Settable range 0.00 – 9.99s
  • Power mode : Externally controlled welding time
  • Energy mode : Settable range 0 – 8000J
  • Manual mode : Manual machine head lift and US test, the touch screen will display the corressponding parameter during the US
  • Counter : Countable range 0 – 99999pcs, count setting reminder function
  • Internal power supply : 12v DC/24v DC 500mA with voltage regulation and short circuit protection
  • Emergency stop : The screen display the information
  • Error massage display : screen display
  • Buzzer : Make a sound when you tapthe touchscreen
  • Connecting plug DB 9 / DB 15
  • Main power supply switch : Front panel of generator
  • Language menu : Chinese, English

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